Welcome To CartersBeautyDeals!
CartersBeautyDeals was created by myself, Maniya Carter. This website is for all the beauty baddies around the world. I share beauty/makeup daily deals, tips and tutorials. Carters Blog is where I review my favorite beauty products, Share how-to's on creating the best makeup looks or trends and a place where I like to express my feelings on current events or topics going on in the beauty community today. I would love if you joined Cartersbeautydeals today and became a beauty baddie!
Maniya's Story!
I am a 24 year old Mom, Actress and a Makeup Artist from Queens New York. I grew up having dreams of being an artist. I took my dream and went to an acting college. I graduated and I started doing shows and being on sets and loved it. After a few years, I fell in love and in the middle of my pregnancy, covid popped up. Having my son during the pandemic was a very stressful thing for me. Being in the house everyday and just waiting was the worse, so I decided to really invest in my art. I started making makeup/hair videos again and after a few months I decided I didn't want to work for someone else anymore, I wanted to create something for myself. I started to explore the world of affiliate marketing and how I could use that to help improve my finaical growth. A few weeks went by and I created a website for myself (cartersbeautydeals). I wanted a place that I could express myself through art and share the amazing beauty products I found through my affiliate marketing and that was the birth of cartersbeautydeals.com.
Any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me or message me through your profile!